Week 2: Feedback Thoughts

I have generally always had a problem with both topics of receiving any type of feedback, as well as having my own personal self-doubt. These two topics, receiving feedback and self-doubt, go very well hand-in-hand. I intrinsically (used to) associate any type of feedback with increasing my self-doubt; even when I would receive constructive criticism, I would feel like I made silly mistakes and it would increase my self-doubt, which was generally counterproductive toward my own improvement. I have learned grow from this, and do it much less. I liked TimHerrera's way of mentioning that you should 'crave' negative feedback to help us learn and grow more, as well as to better expect and deal with any type of feedback that could better us, even if it were not constructively put, as per the first article. John Spencer's article, Seven Ways to Crush Self-Doubt helped me learn to mitigate any type of criticism that was given negatively, and transform it in a way that makes it constructive, or discard the feedback as a whole if it were purely negative. This could be per his second tip of abandoning perfectionism, if someone wanted to push me to be as nearly as perfect as I could, pointing out every flaw along the way, when giving me any type of feedback that would seem negative to me.


1. Why It's So Hard to Hear Negative Feedback

2. Seven Ways to Crush Self-Doubt


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